Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  HD14817  ·  HD15238  ·  HD15239  ·  HD15250  ·  HD15382  ·  HD15522  ·  HD15557  ·  HD15558  ·  HD15570  ·  HD15629  ·  HD15851  ·  HD16183  ·  IC 1805  ·  LBN 647  ·  LBN 650  ·  LBN 654  ·  LBN 655  ·  LBN 658  ·  LDN 1360  ·  LDN 1361  ·  LDN 1362  ·  LDN 1363  ·  LDN 1364  ·  LDN 1365  ·  LDN 1366  ·  LDN 1367  ·  LDN 1368  ·  LDN 1369  ·  LDN 1371  ·  LDN 1372  ·  And 2 more.
IC 1805 (Heart Nebula), Daniele Vasi
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IC 1805 (Heart Nebula)

IC 1805 (Heart Nebula), Daniele Vasi
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IC 1805 (Heart Nebula)



Acquisition details



IC 1805 (also known as the Heart Nebula or by the acronym W4) is a diffuse nebula in association with an open cluster, visible in the constellation of Cassiopeia, towards the border with Camelopardalis.

Askar FRA400 - ASI533MC PRO
Shots 22.11.2024
Integration 4h 15' (85x180") Filter Altair QuadBand

Processing with PixInsight 24.11.2024


Sky plot

Sky plot


IC 1805 (Heart Nebula), Daniele Vasi